"Bread and Tomorrow", a program for students from vulnerable backgrounds

English Section / 28 mai 2024

"Bread and Tomorrow", a program for students from vulnerable backgrounds

Versiunea în limba română

The World Vision Foundation's "Bread and Tomorrow" program will also be supported by Edenred Romania, thus contributing to supporting rural children to go to school. Children from vulnerable environments need food to be able to learn, they need energy to be able to do their homework, as well as worthy role models. Through the "Bread and Tomorrow" program, primary school children receive a hot meal for lunch and two hours of help with homework and remedial lessons. Through a donation of 25,000 euros, the new partner will support educational needs and provide hot meals for primary school students from the World Vision "Bread and Tomorrow" program for one year. Lelia Mancaş, Director of Marketing, Communication and CSR Edenred Romania said: "Children from rural areas deserve to have access to education and fulfill their wishes just like all other children. Through the "Bread and Tomorrow" program, we aim to give them we offer not only a warm meal and homework help, but also the opportunity to learn and develop harmoniously. We are happy to bring joy and hope to these communities and give them equal opportunities! We look forward to seeing the results and the impact the positive impact this program will have on the community". "Bread and Tomorrow" is a program aimed exclusively at primary school children from rural areas. The objectives of the program are to prevent and combat school dropouts, by recovering learning losses and delays in the development of basic skills (writing, reading, arithmetic) respectively the skills corresponding to the students' age.The program is implemented exclusively with private funding, by individuals and corporate partners. Through the "Bread and Tomorrow" Program, children benefit from an integrated package of services to encourage them to go to school. Mihaela Nabăr, executive director of the World Vision Romania foundation, stated: "In April, we launched the study Are the children of Romania fed enough? Meals at school and meals at home", which showed us the reality on the ground in terms of how that our children are fed, at home and at school, namely our children are not fed enough and certainly not nutritious enough. We need to have the national programs implemented in schools and to approach the problem of nutrition in an integrated way to expand the Bread and Tomorrow program that we are already running in 33 villages and which offers, among other things, a daily hot meal for 1500 children in primary school.As the study shows, a hot meal at school is an immediate necessity for these children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We have an open public call by which we invite rural schools to submit a project to obtain a non-refundable grant for a School after School type program, namely the organization of remedial activities for students enrolled in education at the same time and granting a warm meal for students in the educational unit. The program is financed exclusively from private funds, so we thank all the partners and donors who support us year after year and we are glad that Edenred Romania has decided to join our efforts".

The results of the program "are encouraging: half of the schools in the program report a child attendance of 99%, and a third of 100%; 74% appreciate that children's attendance at school has increased by more than 40%; 82% of children and - improved their results in Romanian; 85% of the children improved their results in mathematics; 80% of the students received "Good" and "Very Good" grades.

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