"British Airways" announces record losses

Alina Vasiescu (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 noiembrie 2009

"British Airways" Plc, the third largest carrier in Europe, posted record losses in H1 2009, due to declining passenger traffic, and ticket pricing.

In the six months fiscal semester concluded at the end of September, the company posted net losses of GBP 217 million (USD 360 million), up from GBP 49 million in the similar period of 2008.

The company"s sales dropped 14% to GBP 4.1 billion.

The company"s executive manager, Willie Walsh, plans to cut flight capacity by 6% this winter season, to ensure a higher occupancy rate. What"s more, the company"s management will cut an additional 3,000 jobs by March 2010, without rehiring people at lower wages, in order to cut expenses.

"British Airways" stock rose 8% this year, putting the company"s capitalization at GBP 2.25 billion.

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