Shareholders in the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) have decided by electronic vote to reduce the trading fees for both BSE and RASDAQ by 10%. BSE CEO Anca Dumitru stated: "BSE"s initiative to set a number of correlated criteria and stimuli is intended to encourage the development of the capital market in Romania, to attract new investors and listed companies on BSE and to continue our policy to align costs to the developed capital markets in the European Union."
The stimulus package for the capital market includes the cancellation by the end of 2009 of the fee for the processing of securities transactions and the fee for keeping governmental bonds on the trading platform. The BVB shareholders also decided not to charge any fee until the end of August for new players on the securities market and governmental bonds market. On the same occasion, the fee for accepting traders into the trading system of the regulated market until the end of 2009. The new fees of the BVB are applicable as of 2 March 2009.