BSE Shareholders Take Steps Towards Self-Listing

Adina Ardeleanu (Tradus de Andrei Nastase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 noiembrie 2009

Shareholders in the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) will convene in a General Meeting today to decide upon amendments to the articles of incorporation, which have been proposed in line with the plan to self-list BSE. In time, BSE General Meetings came to some tense moments as the brokerage firms clashed on several occasions, especially over seats on the Board of Directors.

Although the notice to attend today"s General Meeting does not include any subject likely to spark an argument, the brokerage firm have repeatedly proven that they can be quite surprising.

Another topic on today"s agenda is whether to convert the preferred stock in the Bucharest Stock Exchange into common, nominal, uncertified stock with a face value of 10 RON. The General Meeting will also be asked to decide upon proposed changes to the list of fees and commissions, as well as on the motion filed by a group of shareholders to amend the articles of incorporation by reducing the number of votes necessary to carry a motion for an increase in capital or for a merger with another entity.
