BT Securities, First Romanian Broker On Wiener Boerse

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 3 iunie 2008

BT Securities, a member of the Banca Transilvania Group, will trade as a direct trading member of the Wiener Boerse cash market. BT Securities is the second trading member from the new EU member states and the first from Romania to join the VSE. BT Securities" membership of the VSE confirms the growing interest of Central and Eastern European banks in the Austrian market.

BT Securities marks VSE"s second international trading member this year. All in all, 44 of 83 trading members of the VSE are foreign trading banks; by the end of April 2008, they accounted for more than two-thirds of stock trading volume with a share of 67.7%. The largest foreign investors in the ATX prime market are the US with 27.8%, followed by Great Britain with 22.9%, Germany with 10.1% and France with 6.2%. Poland is the first new EU member state that ranks among the top 10 investors in the ATX prime market (9th with 2.1%).

BT Securities, a member of the Banca Transilvania Financial Group, was created in 1999 through the merger of three broker firms. It is one of the top five brokers in Romania. With a network of more than 20 offices throughout the country and over 100 employees, BT Securities offers a wide range of financial services. By May 2008, BT Securities brokered transactions worth an aggregate 562,501,874 RON.

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