Bucharest Chamber Of Commerce To Support Reclaim of Lost Markets

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 13 august 2008

The Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) has pledged to support Bucharest-based distribution and retail companies to reclaim lost markets such as the Balkans, the former Soviet space, Asia and the Middle East, according to a CCIB press release. For this purpose, CCIB will assemble a working group tasked to facilitate contracts on such markets and to provide necessary assistance. Considering that over 50% of the CCIB members are in the service business, the CCIB will take steps to have representatives included in the union dialogue committees of various ministries. Also, CCIB will attempt to enter partnerships with banks in order to obtain more advantageous banking services for CCIB members. Moreover, CCIB will set up working groups for specific topics of general interest such as education, financing, industrial strategies for service providers and liberal professions, adapted to the Bucharest business environment.

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