Bucharest Sector 1 Garbage Contract Up For Tender

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 17 august 2007

The Bucharest Sector 1 administration has announced the termination of the garbage removal contract with REBU SA as of August 18th. The contract will be put up for tender. REBU is controlled by the Bucharest City Council. Sector 1 Mayor Andrei Chiliman told a press conference that, for 10 years, REBU had perseverated in being totally ignorant of the citizens" best interest.

"Every month, the Sector 1 citizens pay 1 million dollars for their REBU-given right to have the streets full of garbage," he said. Until the contract is awarded, garbage removal services will be provided by two companies selected on a temporary basis. The mayor said REBU could be a candidate in the selection only if they offered to do clean the streets for free.

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