Bucharest Sector 2 Mayor Supports Voluntari To Become Sector 7

Alina Toma (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 noiembrie 2009

The Bucharest City Hall - Sector 2 will be able to implement several common projects of great impact on the local community in cooperation with the future Sector 7 of Bucharest, the current satellite town of Voluntari, according to Sector 2 Mayor Neculai Ontanu. In a press release to BURSA, Mayor Ontanu announced that he supported the initiative to transform the town of Voluntari into the seventh sector of Bucharest.

Among the common projects of the two local authorities are the Pipera - Tunari Tunnel and its future extension consisting into the enlargement of Pipera Avenue and a section of the Pipera - Tunari Avenue until the intersection with Petricani Avenue.

The common objective is to improve traffic and save long hours spent in traffic jams by the residents of the two areas and an important number of commuters. The two local authorities also intend to build another two tunnels, Petricani - Voluntari and Andronache - Stefanesti, also with a view to improve traffic. The inclusion of Voluntari into Bucharest is regarded as a major step towards optimizing the implementation of such projects.

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