Bunge Ltd. To Relocate Edible Oil Production from Bulgaria to Romania

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 7 iunie 2007

American consumer goods manufacturer Bunge Ltd. will shut down the edible oil plant located in the city of Dobrich, Bulgaria, according to Sofia News Agency. The company will relocate the production of the Kaliakra brand to Romania.

This information contradicts the previous company announcement, according to which Bunge Ltd would relocate its edible oil production units in Bulgaria to Hungary and Ukraine. The decision was made due to low revenues and market opportunities, as well as demanding environmental requirements. Following this move, 204 Bulgarian employees will lose their jobs.

The Bunge Group, based in New York, acquired Kaliakra in 2002. The group is currently present in more than 30 countries worldwide and owns over 400 companies.

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