BURSA newspaper launched an exceptional book - "The Kingdom of God on Earth", by MAKE

George Marinescu
English Section / 31 mai 2024

BURSA newspaper launched an exceptional book - "The Kingdom of God on Earth", by MAKE

Versiunea în limba română

"The Kingdom of God on Earth", written by Make, was successfully launched at Bookfest and represents the third book written and published in the last eight years by the general director of BURSA Newspaper. In 2016, the book "The solution to the crisis" was published, which concludes that we are at the end of the road in the evolutionary branch that human society took in the century of Shakespeare and that the solution to the crisis consists in the revelation of the desirable society, with which to we replace the one we live in. A year later, in 2017, Make wrote and published the book "The Interest Rate", in which he highlighted the economic model we rely on and why it no longer works. After seven years, in 2024, during Bookfest, Make's latest work appeared - the author says it will be his last because he has fulfilled his purpose for the generation he belongs to -, "The Kingdom of God on Earth", which is a conclusion from the premises constituted by the first two books, because it proposes a model of the desirable society, thus fulfilling the objective for which they were all written.

BURSA newspaper launched an exceptional book - "The Kingdom of God on Earth", by MAKE

Present at the event, the columnist of BURSA Newspaper, Cornel Codiţă, said: "Make's book is, from my point of view, a speech created to tell us what he thinks is in a pile of biblical writings, of post-biblical commentaries, of Torah commentaries, and so on, on this subject called the Kingdom of God on Earth. In other words don't expect to get on a train and have a nice ride, but expect to climb a mountain and hurt your knees and elbows on the climb. Make's book does not set out to solve the dilemmas regarding the Kingdom of God on Earth, nor to settle them in any way, but to propose a new answer. And the answer is, from my point of view, terribly beautiful and interesting, which is that the Kingdom of God on Earth is a social project, a sociological project. It is the project of organizing the human community piecemeal or in its entirety according to a pattern that can be found in the teachings that remain to us, however different they may be, however scattered the commentaries. We have to find this model structure somewhere. This pattern exists and Make's book extracts it. The model is terribly simple, that is, its key point is that man is a spiritual being. If we do not start with this idea that the horizon of human existence, individual and collective, is a spiritual horizon and that just below it there are the horizons of material condition and dependencies on other things, we will get nowhere. So we have to resume, start a project with the idea that man is a spiritual being and that the development, the fulfillment of this spirituality is actually the meaning of life. That is why we live, to fulfill this spirituality. In order to do this, we must be free, that is, we must minimize the constraints to an unavoidable point that nature, social relations, laws of all kinds, etc. impose on us (...) Unfortunately, in the world in which we live and towards which we are moving in a way this model cannot yet be realized, for the simple reason that the horizon of spirituality that we have had until now and which is connected to God, to the city of God, has been banished from the city. God has been banished from the city for a long time, since the beginning of modernity, he was later banished from the soul, from the individual experience of every man, and now we find ourselves in a huge crisis of spirituality, with a God not even crucified, but pure and simply marginalized somewhere, on the periphery of concerns".

BURSA newspaper launched an exceptional book - "The Kingdom of God on Earth", by MAKE

University professor Dr. Gheorghe Piperea, lawyer and partner at SCA Piperea and Associates, added: "Please note carefully the title of this book: The Kingdom of God on Earth. It contradicts 180 degrees the statement of Jesus in the Gospel according to John from which it follows that the kingdom of Jesus is not of this world. The kingdom that Make talks about in the book he wrote, the gap he found and masterfully filled, is a kingdom of God on Earth, here, in us, today, in our times, on this Earth in the physical sense. (...) Make is an author's oddity. He is an artist by profession, but he deals with financial analysis, with the capital market, sometimes he also writes about politics - much better than other journalists who are dedicated to this type of journalism - and from time to time he deals with matters like this which they are extraordinarily complex, they are downright abysmal".

BURSA newspaper launched an exceptional book - "The Kingdom of God on Earth", by MAKE

For his part, the author, Make or Florian Goldstein according to the name and surname given in the identity book, made some clarifications regarding the kingdom of God: "I am pleased to launch the book in a Christian environment, because being a book of exegesis biblical, normally the vast majority know the subject and I am convinced that there are people here who know how to deal with the subjects on the chariot much better than I treated them. That's why I won't go into details now because I don't want to risk someone setting me up. I studied and wrote on this book for 20 years. On the cover page I wrote a dedication. The book is dedicated to my parents, Lucia and Sandu. (...) I want to challenge you with a question I asked today to the artificial intelligence, ChatGPT. I gave him a verse from the Gospel according to Mark, chapter 1 verse 14, in which it says: "After John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God". The question is: what gospel does the verse refer to? When I put it to the chat-bot it replied that it refers to the Gospel of Mark. I told him that was the place I was quoting from and I would like him to answer me which gospel the verse refers to. It froze. The problem is that in the Christian context the gospel means a description of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, which together lead to the salvation of mankind. Now, the gospel of the Kingdom of God has nothing to do with this. If you Google the phrase kingdom of God, specifically in the Google e-bible, you are shown 72 mentions of this phrase in the New Testament. If you enter the equivalent phrase - kingdom of heaven, it shows you 29 mentions. A total of 101. In the Old Testament it appears only once, in the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon, which is not part of the Hebrew or Protestant canon. Therefore, I suspect that this book, the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon, was written in the 1st century AD, according to the Gospel. The thing is this: we are dealing with a gospel that is not in the New Testament, the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The book I wrote is dedicated to this gap. What is missing, I have tried to reconstruct here. It's not an archaeological work - like the reconstruction of a jug broken into several fragments, but it's a new construction, because I have no way of knowing that what I'm building corresponds to any historical reality. From this and other things, I have drawn the conclusion that it is actually the task of each generation to find this ideal of society. I believe I have succeeded in doing that and I have fulfilled my task in my generation. That's why I don't think I'll write a fourth book, because I've exhausted the subject that interested me".

BURSA newspaper launched an exceptional book - "The Kingdom of God on Earth", by MAKE

Make's book - "Kingdom of God on Earth" - is a work that requires the reading public some knowledge in the field, to discover the exact meaning of the words expressed in writing by the author. The way the author interprets the biblical text intertwined with the Torah is one that includes meanings that compose a sophistic-ontological entanglement meant to show the way to the main idea contained in the title of the book. The road is not a smooth, easy one, but one full of questions, controversies, difficult, but the city, the Kingdom of God on Earth, is at the end of this road, real, accessible only to those who really want to see it, only to those who have eyes, ears, mind and heart open to knowledge. An experience that offers the reader the necessary tools to discern what is ethical, moral, in the chaotic modernity of today's society.

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