ButanGas Romania Posts Over 56 Mln EUR Turnover

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 martie 2007

ButanGas Romania reported for 2006 a turnover of 56,86 million EUR, while the company"s gross profit amounted to 2,15 Million EUR, up 93% year-on-year.

The company"s objective for 2007 is an 18% increase in the total quantity of gas sold. At the same time, ButanGas plans to make more investments in specialized equipment in order to increase LPG storage and transportation capacity. The majority shareholder is ButanGas Grup, holding 93,9% in the company, while Petrom SA holds 6%.

At the end of last year, the propane market was estimated at 45.000 tons per year (45.000.000 EUR), the butane market at 240.000 tons per year (170.000.000 EUR), while the autogas market was estimated at 140.000 tons per year (100.000.000 de EUR). At the end of 2006, ButanGas Romania was a market leader on the propane distribution segment with a 40% market share, the other significant players being Shell Gas, Crimbo Gas, Mol and Agip.

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