Călin Georgescu today and tomorrow, after the three sovereigntist candidates of yesterday - Episode 2

English Section / 6 martie

Eugen Orlando Teodorovici, former finance minister in the Ponta Government (PSD), claims that PSD president Marcel Ciolacu, the current prime minister of Romania, did not pass the baccalaureate exam. Image taken from TikTok.

Eugen Orlando Teodorovici, former finance minister in the Ponta Government (PSD), claims that PSD president Marcel Ciolacu, the current prime minister of Romania, did not pass the baccalaureate exam. Image taken from TikTok.

Versiunea în limba română


In contrast to the three sovereigntist candidates of yesterday, running for the Presidency, Călin Georgescu presents (I don't know why) the reputation of a scholar, although he is an agronomist, which is somewhat noticeable.

Indeed, his political movement "Native Soil" movement has an economic and social Program titled "Food, Water, Energy." The program promises.

I like promises. I am delighted to read wonderful promises:

Zero unemployment within one year of a government of national dignity taking power and triggering the sustainability revolution.

Zero taxation for 10 years for the IT sector in Romania.

Zero taxation for 10 years for subsistence peasant households.

Zero taxation for any small and medium-sized farm that is part of a legally established cooperative.

Zero taxation for the entire production and distribution cycle of traditional Romanian products that meet or exceed organic agriculture standards.

Free Wi-Fi throughout Romania in 5 years.

The list goes on, check it out at https://www.pamantulstramosesc.ro/proiect-de-tara-hrana-apa-energie/

Again, I like promises, they make me dream.

No, I'm not going to say they are utopian, I even believe they can be fulfilled if, as Călin Georgescu suggests, a providential individual transforms division into popular mobilization around the project through his faith, desolation and lack of respect are transformed into dignity, if everyone's efforts are intelligently united, and discouragement disappears through the eradication of corruption. Let's see if the providential individual can be Călin Georgescu, as he recommends himself.

The man manifests himself on TikTok, in the same place used by (followed by a relatively systematic review):

1.Tuned curves, but also fat and old women who dance languidly - "Give me tap-tap!" they shout (and receive, it's about money and online begging);

2.Alongside taxi drivers who play music on demand, or with Nik from N&D who does the same thing with taxi drivers;

3.With Christian prophets (mostly Transylvanian and reading syllable by syllable) or with illiterate Jewish prophets (but speaking rapidly, with a Moldovan accent), who compete in teaching us nonsense about the Bible and God;

4.Alongside Grigore Leşe, who, being a living legend in his own mind, suspends his show started on the stage of his hometown to prolong a scandal with a fellow citizen because she arrived late, and see women in the audience with their hands over their mouths, who, knowing his particular flaws, ask each other if he is drunk again;

5.Alongside the presentation of horticultural techniques, by which a tomato stem dipped in a raw chicken egg bears eggs after fifty days;

6.With supermarket cashiers, who with their phone under the cash register, broadcast during work hours how they ring up purchases, give change, and print the receipt; or high school students who livestream math classes and giggle at obscene proposals;

7.Alongside furious anti-Semites who claim that the Legionnaires were pure souls, the world is run by Jews, Romania is run by Jews, Klaus Iohannis is a Jew, Băsescu and Iliescu are Jews, but Jesus Christ was not a Jew ("no, kid, read more! how can Jesus be a Jew?!"), Jews are everywhere, they bought three million apartments in Bucharest, they want to turn us into Jewland and long live Putin - our only hope - and long live Palestine;

8.He appears alongside the She-Wolf of the Carpathians and the horde of Thracian-Geto-Dacian fundamentalists, who have discovered that Jesus was a Dacian and wandered around Dacia, that the source of civilization is in Dacia, that the Persians and the Chinese are Dacians, that the Sumerians learned from the Dacians, that writing was invented in Dacia, that Latin is actually the language of the Dacians, and that beneath Romania there is a vault that protects us from any threat and a drone has already been pulverized;

9.With a homeless man diligently interviewed by an admiring barber, who believes him to be Socrates, addresses him with "you" and absorbs his wisdom expressed in terms of "suckers" and "doughnuts";

10.With proponents of the theory that the Earth is flat and that above it is an impregnable hemisphere, against which rockets collide and fall to the ground.

This delightful, more expressive than regular, environment is complemented by live broadcasts bordering on criminality - parents who make their 10-11 year old daughters dance (they don't resist, but become aggressive if you accuse their parents of exploiting them), handicapped children taken out to beg online.

The atmosphere is like a breath of fresh air to the "sovereigntists" Şoşoacă, Simion, and Călinescu, who strut their stuff on TikTok.

Călin Georgescu today and tomorrow, after the three sovereigntist candidates of yesterday - Episode 2

However, the grotesque of TikTok has a strange effect in collision with the relative lack of humor of the "scholar" Călin Georgescu, a former UN official who also held a position in the Club of Rome, presents himself decently, in a suit and tie, has a civilized language, without any vulgarity, and yet frequently appears in this cuckoo's nest.

The difference is disturbing.

But, if we strip Călin Georgescu of his CV, white collar, and tie, we find that the corn cob has its grains somewhat scattered.

We'll see that tomorrow.

