Carfil SA To Be Evaluated For Privatization

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 14 martie 2008

Despite rumours that it is going to be liquidated and sold asset by asset, Carfil SA - Brasov will be privatized through a share sale, according to CEO Dan Tache, who pointed out that the company was on the online list of companies to be privatized this year by the State Assets Recovery Authority (AVAS). For the moment, the company is waiting to be evaluated pending the establishment of a sale price.

Apparently, the rumour was started by the management of Carfil Industrial Park, which is interested in acquiring the factory in order to use its land for other purposes. "They should be the ones worrying, because the heirs of the former owner, Dumitru Voinea, have already won against the County Council in several courts and their wish is that we receive the land and they receive compensation," said Tache.

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