Carrefour Sales in Romania Up 27% in H1

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 iulie 2007

Carrefour sales in Romania rose by 27% in the first half of the year, while global sales advanced by 5.9% to 22.64 billion EUR, according to a company report quoted by NewsIn.

In France, Carrefour"s major market, sales totaled 10.4 billion EUR, up 0.3% from the same period last year. In Romania, sales growth was superior to that recorded in Greece (7.9%) and Poland (23.7%). In Latin America, Carrefour sales advanced by 32.5% in H1, totaling 2.32 billion EUR, while in Asia sales increased by 18.5% to 1.4 billion EUR.

Carrefour Group operates a total of 1,102 hypermarkets, 2,458 de supermarkets, nearly 6,000 hard-discount stores and 3,000 other stores. Carrefour Romania currently includes seven hypermarkets, the group"s total investment amounting to 220 million EUR. Last year, Carrefour Romania posted sales of 608.9 million EUR, recording a 39% increase from 2005.

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