CĂUTARE (4163)

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Musk îşi dă cu Trump în Tesla

George MarinescuZiarul BURSA #Piaţa de Capital / 18 martie

Izolaţionismul promovat de Administraţia Trump - America, în primul rând -, ideea că democratiile conduc la o dezvoltare prea lentă şi că societatea trebuie condusă asemeni unei companii cu un singur acţionar fac loc voluntarismului şi...

Musk ran into Trump at Tesla

Musk ran into Trump at Tesla

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 18 martie

The isolationism promoted by the Trump Administration - America, first and foremost -, the idea that democracies lead to too slow development and that society should be run like a company with a single shareholder give way to voluntarism and...

Methane's Unexpected Impact on Ozone Layer Recovery

Methane's Unexpected Impact on Ozone Layer Recovery

O.D.English Section / 13 martie

A team of scientists in China has found that an increase in methane emissions could have a surprising positive effect on future ozone layer recovery. The finding, which could influence government policies on climate change, was recently published...

Beijing tests world's fastest train

Beijing tests world's fastest train

O.D.English Section / 10 martie

Prototypes of the world's fastest high-speed train, the CR450, with a test speed of up to 450 km/h and an operational speed of 400 km/h, are currently undergoing testing on the Beijing Ring Road for future commercial service. The new trains...

Confronting customs duties

Confronting customs duties

A.V.English Section / 5 martie

The new 25% tariffs imposed by US President Donald Trump on imports from Mexico and Canada took effect yesterday, along with a doubling of duties - to 20% - on Chinese products, generating new trade conflicts with the US's three largest...

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Curs valutar BNR

26 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9761
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6113
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2163
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9508
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur448.2116

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