CĂUTARE (5294)

UN budget in danger

UN budget in danger

I.Ghe.English Section / 4 martie

The US withdrawal from the United Nations, a withdrawal promoted by Elon Musk, senior advisor to President Donald Trump and coordinator of the Department for Government Efficiency, would have a negative impact on the international institution,...

Photo source: https://fireflyspace.com/missions/blue-ghost-mission-1/

Historic Moon Landing by Private Company

O.D.English Section / 4 martie

The American company Firefly Aerospace became the second private company in the world to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon on Sunday. The Blue Ghost Mission 1 robot arrived on Earth's natural satellite at 08:34 GMT, near Mons...

Critical Thinking Workshop for Students

Critical Thinking Workshop for Students

O.D.Miscellanea / 25 februarie

The "Babeş-Bolyai' University of Cluj-Napoca announces the organization of a new "Critical Thinking Workshop", held from March 3 to April 14, 2025, under the title "Great Writers of the Great War War. Between Two Worlds"....

Love with a Short Warranty

Love with a Short Warranty

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 19 februarie

Dan Nicolaie

In the midst of a period of celebrating love, in the old, Romanian way, but also in the new, American way, local football is shaken by two divorces that seemed impossible quite a while ago.

World Cup abuses a recurring problem

World Cup abuses a recurring problem

O.D.English Section / 18 februarie

The organization of World Cups has often been marred by scandals and controversies related to human rights, corruption in the awarding of the tournament, and systemic abuses. The recent cases of Qatar 2022 and the upcoming 2030 edition, which...

O săptămână aparte

Cristian PîrvulescuZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 17 februarie

Cristian Pîrvulescu

S-a încheiat o săptămâna specială, intensă şi dramatică. Totul a început cu anunţul demisiei preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis, a continuat cu conversaţia telefonică halucinată dintre preşedintele american Donald Trump şi Vladimir Putin pentru ca apoi...

"Forever Pollutants" and Their Health Risks

"Forever Pollutants" and Their Health Risks

O.D.English Section / 17 februarie

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), nicknamed "forever pollutants," are a growing concern due to their toxic effects on human health, including the risk of cancer. These nearly indestructible chemicals accumulate in air,...

Baidu va lansa un nou model AI în 2025

Baidu va lansa un nou model AI în 2025

M.B.Internaţional / 13 februarie

O nouă generaţie a modelului său propriu de inteligenţă artificială va fi lansată de Baidu în a doua jumătate a anului, potrivit CNBC. Această actualizare vine într-un context de competiţie intensă în industria AI din China, unde companii precum...

Coffee prices rise 6% in one day

Coffee prices rise 6% in one day

A.V.English Section / 12 februarie

The price of Arabica coffee futures hit a new record high on Monday in New York, as weather forecasts show dry weather in the main regions of Brazil where this agricultural raw material is grown.

Comanda carte
Forumul investitorilor 2025
Stiri Locale

Curs valutar BNR

03 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9774
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7667
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2900
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0274
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur440.0993

convertor valutar


mai multe cotaţii valutare

Cotaţii Emitenţi BVB
Cotaţii fonduri mutuale
Teatrul Național I. L. Caragiale Bucuresti
Studiul 'Imperiul Roman subjugă Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu'
The study 'The Roman Empire subjugates the Kingdom of God'
Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu pe Pământ
The Kingdom of God on Earth
Carte - Golden calf - the meaning of interest rate
Carte - The crisis solution terminus a quo