CĂUTARE (2429)

WWF specialists warn that we are on the verge of the sixth mass extinction of biodiversity, an extinction that, this time, is caused by human activities. In this context, the decisions taken at global level in the next five years are crucial for the future of the planet. Already, global deforestation has intensified in 2023, despite pledges to halt forest degradation by the end of the decade.

Report: Catastrophic decline in global biodiversity

O.D.English Section / 14 octombrie

Wildlife populations across the planet have suffered a shocking 73% decline in just 50 years, according to WWF's latest Living Planet Report. This dramatic loss signals the highest level of nature degradation in the Anthropocene era, fueling...

TAS a publicat motivarea deciziei în cazul Simona Halep

TAS a publicat motivarea deciziei în cazul Simona Halep

O.D.Sport / 11 octombrie

Tribunalul de Arbitraj Sportiv (TAS) a publicat, joi, motivarea deciziei în cazul Simona Halep, la şapte luni şi cinci zile de când a anunţat că suspendarea fostului lider WTA a fost redusă de la patru ani la nouă luni.

Bucharest, the capital of cyber security experts

Bucharest, the capital of cyber security experts

O.D.English Section / 7 octombrie

Bucharest will become the capital of cyber security specialists for a few days. More than 2,000 international experts are meeting in Bucharest, on November 28 and 29, at the DefCamp regional conference, to analyze the new challenges and solutions...

Spargere la arena Roland Garros

Spargere la arena Roland Garros

O.D.Sport / 30 septembrie

Săptămâna trecută, 11 000 de euro şi bijuterii în valoare estimată la 20 000 de euro s-au furat de la arena Roland-Garros din Paris. O anchetă este în curs de desfăşurare, relatează bfmtv.com.

Coface study: The number of insolvencies is increasing

Coface study: The number of insolvencies is increasing

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 24 septembrie

The datas indicates a 73% increase in the number of insolvencies at the level of companies with a turnover of over 5 million euros The study notes a deterioration in payment behavior among companies, the number of payment incidents in the first...  

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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2949
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9815
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur399.9201

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