Aceste investiţii vizează crearea a 1.087 de locuri noi de cazare şi modernizarea a 9.573 de locuri existente. Prin aceste măsuri, Guvernul urmăreştesă sprijine studenţii cu resurse financiare limitate şi să creeze condiţii favorabile pentru dezvoltarea educaţională şi personală a tinerilor.

Investiţii majore în cămine studenţeşti

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 11 octombrie

Ministerul Educaţiei a anunţat semnarea a 42 de contracte de finanţare pentru construcţia şi modernizarea căminelor studenţeşti, în urma primului apel din cadrul Planului Naţional de Redresare şi Rezilienţă (PNRR). Aceste investiţii vizează...

These investments aim at the creation of 1,087 new accommodation places and the modernization of 9,573 existing places. Through these measures, the Government aimsto support students with limited financial resources and to create favorable conditions for the educational and personal development of young people.

Major investments in student dormitories

O.D.English Section / 11 octombrie

The Ministry of Education announced the signing of 42 financing contracts for the construction and modernization of student dormitories, following the first call within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). These investments aim at...

A year of war in the Middle East

A year of war in the Middle East

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 8 octombrie

The Middle East has been in a fever of war for a year after Hamas terrorists decided to illegally enter Israel, kill the young, old and children and take several hundred people hostage, mostly civilians, to achieve their political goals ....

UPfit.cloud lansează platforma FitNet

UPfit.cloud lansează platforma FitNet

F.D.Companii / 3 septembrie

UPfit.cloud, companie pe piaţa soluţiilor software pentru cluburile de fitness, anunţă lansarea platformei FitNet, la începutul lunii septembrie. Prin acest proiect inovator, compania îşi propune să ofere o reţea de sprijin utilizatorilor care...

Start-Up Nation 2024, approved by the Government

Start-Up Nation 2024, approved by the Government

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 august

Yesterday, the government approved the Start-Up Nation 2024 program, with a budget allocation of almost 446.2 million euros, of which 80% are European funds from the Education and Employment Program 2021-2027 through the European Social Fund...

Specializare în nimic

Cătălin AvramescuZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 2 iulie

Cătălin Avramescu

Am ajuns în punctul din care nici nu ne mai indignăm. Apare câte o grozăvie, de neimaginat cu câţiva ani în urmă. Dăm din mână a lehamite şi sperăm că apucăm şi ziua de mâine. Uneori nici măcar nu sesizăm că se petrece ceva.

The students were angry about the new status

The students were angry about the new status

O.D.English Section / 27 iunie

Vacation does not stop students from protesting. Their complaints are more and more frequent, and the dialogue with the Ministry of Education is not exactly constructive. Several students protested in front of the Ministry of Education, being...

Photo source: facebook/ "Babeş-Bolyai" University

Cluj-Napoca, the best student city in Romania

O.D.English Section / 20 iunie

High school graduates have entered Baccalaureate fever, but plans related to college are also a major concern. Cluj-Napoca is, again this year, the best student city in Romania, according to the QS ranking of the best academic cities for...

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18 Oct. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9724
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5865
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2949
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9815
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur399.9201

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