Photo source: facebook / Călin Georgescu

Issues Addressed by Călin Georgescu

F.G.English Section / 12 februarie

Călin Georgescu has explicitly addressed several fundamental issues of Romania in his speeches and public interventions. Below is an analysis of these issues based on the themes he consistently supports in his statements:

Photo source: Facebook/ Natalia Intotero

Domestic culture has entered the negotiation phase

O.D.English Section / 7 februarie

The Minister of Culture has started negotiations with trade unionists. The inventory of movable heritage and the elimination of wage inequalities are among the topics discussed by the Minister of Culture, Natalia Intotero, with representatives of...

Europe Depends on Chinese Rare Earths

Europe Depends on Chinese Rare Earths

A.V.English Section / 23 ianuarie

Despite efforts to reduce its dependence on China for critical raw materials, Europe remains heavily dependent on the Asian country's resources, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. It highlights the proportion of the EU's...

Cities must adapt to climate change

Cities must adapt to climate change

O.D.English Section / 21 ianuarie

Major disasters are wake-up calls from which people must draw the right conclusions. The fires in the US are a wake-up call related to the structure of large cities and climate change. The catastrophic fires in Los Angeles, exacerbated by the...

Aleksandr Dugin's Eurasianism - Summary

Aleksandr Dugin's Eurasianism - Summary

F.G.English Section / 17 decembrie 2024

Aleksandr Dugin's Eurasianism is a geopolitical, cultural, and philosophical theory advocating for the establishment of a Eurasian geopolitical bloc as an alternative to Western domination. This ideology merges traditional, spiritual, and...

Europe in a changing world

Europe in a changing world

Nadia Calviño, President of the European Investment Bank GroupEnglish Section / 6 decembrie 2024

If there is one word that sums up 2024, it is "change": change in politics, with over 2 billion people across the world going to the polls, and a profound shift in the global order that has shaped the world over the last 80 years and that...

Sanprod estimează o creştere de 15% a cifrei de afaceri

Sanprod estimează o creştere de 15% a cifrei de afaceri

A.D.Companii / 5 decembrie 2024

Sanprod, cu peste 25 de ani de experienţă în producţia de profile metalice şi soluţii pentru construcţii, îşi consolidează poziţia pe piaţa românească prin investiţii strategice şi rezultate financiare pozitive, potrivit comunicatului emis...

Raluca Turcan: "The approval of the new credit line offers the extraordinary opportunity to almost completely revive the public infrastructuremanaged by the Ministry of Culture and responds to a long-delayed need". (Photo source: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

"Culture" borrows 140 million euros for investments

O.D.English Section / 18 noiembrie 2024

Without financing, culture cannot survive. The Board of Directors of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB) has approved a loan of 140 million euros for the "Cultural Foundation" project, which aims to save historical monuments and...

Minute of silence

Minute of silence

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 7 noiembrie 2024

Spain has been hit by a terrible tragedy, hundreds of people have died as a result of catastrophic floods, and the whole world has reacted. Including the world of sports. Football teams involved in European cup matches this week will observe a...

COP16 - the need to make "peace with nature"

COP16 - the need to make "peace with nature"

O.D.English Section / 30 octombrie 2024

At a time when our planet is undergoing irreversible transformations, experts warn that it is vital that humanity takes concrete measures to protect biodiversity. Reports from the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services...

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Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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