child labor
"It is clear that students who participate in dual education have a greater chance of employment after completing their studies," said Iulian Cristache, an expert in educational policies.

Dual education, an extra chance at employment

O.D.English Section / 30 septembrie 2024

Students who participate in dual education have a greater chance of employment after completing their studies than those who do not choose this system, but for its development, public policies are needed at the Government level to encourage the...

Education: Zero Tolerance for Any Form of Violence

Education: Zero Tolerance for Any Form of Violence

O.D.English Section / 17 ianuarie 2024

Violence is a significant problem in Romanian schools. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, has stated that there must be zero tolerance for any form of violence in schools, emphasizing that it should be combated through collaboration between...

The disease of Education: much talk, few deeds"

The disease of Education: much talk, few deeds"

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 12 septembrie 2023

A new school year began yesterday. Students, teachers, parents, and politicians marked the occasion in their own ways. Hopes are still high, but few are realized. The start of the new school year has once again demonstrated that education suffers...

Woman featured in "The Sun" assembling toys together with her children claims she was set up

BRITISH MEDIA STRIKES AGAIN, ALLEGING THE EXPLOITATION OF ROMANIAN CHILDREN Woman featured in "The Sun" assembling toys together with her children claims she was set up

C.I. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 noiembrie 2016

Timea Jurj, the woman from Satu Mare which according to British publication The Sun was allegedly using her children to assemble the toys used in Kinder chocolate eggs, claims that everything was a set up and that she was promised her husband...

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21 Feb. 2025
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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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