Our country has four new academicians

Our country has four new academicians

O.D.English Section / 14 februarie

The Romanian Academy announced, following the General Assembly, the election of four new corresponding members and two honorary members from abroad. Among them are architect Dorin Ştefan and professor emeritus Paul E. Michelson, recognized for...

Preparations for a strike in the cultural sector

Preparations for a strike in the cultural sector

O.D.English Section / 16 octombrie 2023

Dissatisfaction among cultural sector employees is on the rise. The leaders of the FAIR-MediaSind Federation and the management of the Association of Philharmonic Managers (AMF) have informed the Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, about the...

Trump, absent la Dineul corespondenţilor

Trump, absent la Dineul corespondenţilor

Mihaela DanInternaţional / 29 aprilie 2018

Preşedintele Donald Trump a lipsit, pentru a doua oară, de la Dineul anual al corespondenţilor de presă de la Casa Albă, continuând războiul cu reporterii care scriu despre el şi Administraţia americană, scrie CNN.

Football's Politics and Politics' Football

by Cristian ParvulescuZiarul BURSA #English Section / 11 mai 2004

During the 20th Century and in light of the universal vote corroborated with an increasing civic participation, politics expanded its scope, enveloping more and more social, economic or cultural areas within its influence radius. Given their...

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