Education: Zero Tolerance for Any Form of Violence

Education: Zero Tolerance for Any Form of Violence

O.D.English Section / 17 ianuarie 2024

Violence is a significant problem in Romanian schools. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, has stated that there must be zero tolerance for any form of violence in schools, emphasizing that it should be combated through collaboration between...

Teachers don't believe in salary increases

Teachers don't believe in salary increases

O.D.English Section / 12 septembrie 2023

Teachers have become immune to promises. One out of two teachers does not believe that the authorities will implement the promised salary increases, and nearly a third (29%) say their financial situation is precarious or modest, according to a...

The Barbarian campaign

by Cristian PirvulescuZiarul BURSA #English Section / 8 iunie 2004

The local election campaign was, in Bucharest and elsewhere, a poor piece of theatre with no claims of originality, and without spectators also. Nothing, not even the last broadcasted debates, could change the flatness of this campaign. If the...

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