Cybersecurity depends on how informed citizens are

Cybersecurity depends on how informed citizens are

O.D.English Section / 13 octombrie 2023

The National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) is organizing the second edition of the "Bucharest Cyber Security Conference 2023," an international cybersecurity conference. The first part of the conference took place yesterday, with the...

Cine judecă conduita (optimul) politicii monetare?

Cine judecă conduita (optimul) politicii monetare?

DANIEL DĂIANUMacroeconomie / 24 august 2017

Unele analize, comentarii ale unor analişti - inclusiv din bănci comerciale, apreciază că bănci centrale ar fi întârziate ca reacţie la mersul economiilor, că ar fi, cum se zice în jargonul de breaslă, "behind the curve" (în urma curbei)....

Daniel Dăianu: "It would be better if in the remaining months we saw a reinvigoration of public spending in Romania".

"Europe in a major quandary. What can Romania do?"

Recorded by ANCUŢA STANCIU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 4 septembrie 2014

Reporter: The economy has entered a recession, after two consecutive quarters of economic contraction. How do you think the economy will evolve in the coming months, given a weaker harvest, the drop in investments, the drop in exports and the...

Emergent Europe Currencies Lose Ground

TRADUS DE ANDREI NĂSTASEEnglish Section / 3 martie 2009

Emergent Europe currencies depreciated yesterday driven by a more than 2% plunge of the forint after European leaders had just refused to pass a rescue plan for the entire region during the summit held late last week.

The Cheap Oil Era Is Ending

TRADUS DE ANDREI NASTASEEnglish Section / 18 februarie 2009

The cheap oil era is undoubtedly coming to an end as easily accessible and affordable resources are depleting, according to Erste Group analysts. In their opinion, the high dependency on State-controlled oil groups and the currently low quota of...

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Conferinţa BURSA “Codul Insolvenţei 2025”
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Curs valutar BNR

31 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9771
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6005
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2179
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9460
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur460.4406

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