CĂUTARE (22385)

Photo source: https://www.facebook.com/etihad

Etihad Airways postpones initial public offering

A.V.English Section / 10 martie

Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, will postpone the launch of its initial public offering (IPO) until the second quarter of this year, after the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan (March...

Artificially processed illustration by MAKE

Georgescu tramples on BEC - his candidacy was rejected

George Marinescu, Sabin S. BrandiburuEnglish Section / 10 martie

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) rejected, last night, the candidacy of Călin Georgescu in the presidential elections in May. The invalidation of Georgescu's candidacy was voted by ten of the 14 members of the BEC. They claim that the...

Beijing tests world's fastest train

Beijing tests world's fastest train

O.D.English Section / 10 martie

Prototypes of the world's fastest high-speed train, the CR450, with a test speed of up to 450 km/h and an operational speed of 400 km/h, are currently undergoing testing on the Beijing Ring Road for future commercial service. The new trains...

Moartea lui Gene Hackman, descoperita dupa opt zile

Moartea lui Gene Hackman, descoperita dupa opt zile

M.S.Miscellanea / 8 martie

Gene Hackman, actor premiat de două ori cu Oscar, a murit la vârsta de 95 de ani din cauza unei boli de inimă, acasă în New Mexico, probabil la o săptămână după moartea soţiei sale, Betsy Arakawa, care a murit din cauza hantavirusului, o boală...

MAKE capture

President Trump's speech mistakes

I.Ghe.English Section / 6 martie

President Trump's speech was marked by strong statements, but fact-checking reveals significant discrepancies between his statements and the economic and social reality of the US. According to journalists from National Public Radio (NPR) and...

Massive Cyber Ticket Scam

Massive Cyber Ticket Scam

O.D.English Section / 6 martie

A network of cybercriminals managed to steal and illegally resell more than 900 digital tickets for Taylor Swift concerts and other large-scale events, according to statements by New York prosecutors, cited by The Associated Press. The scam,...

UBB, national leader in attracting research funds

UBB, national leader in attracting research funds

O.D.English Section / 6 martie

Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) reconfirms its leading position in the field of academic research in Romania, ranking first at national level among universities in terms of attracting funds through the Horizon Europe program. Since...

Washingtonul a negociat în secret cu Hamas

Washingtonul a negociat în secret cu Hamas

R.S.Internaţional / 5 martie

Administraţia Trump a purtat discuţii secrete cu Hamas în ultimele săptămâni pentru a obţine eliberarea ostaticilor americani deţinuţi în Fâşia Gaza, a declarat pentru Reuters o sursă apropiată dosarului.

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Curs valutar BNR

10 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9766
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5831
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2229
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9245
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur427.6549

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