CĂUTARE (1175)

Romania, moderate in terms of stress

Romania, moderate in terms of stress

O.D.English Section / 31 octombrie

Our country is in the middle of the European ranking in terms of burnout, but it is registering an increasing trend, especially among young people, claims Professor Dragoş Iliescu, a lecturer at the University of Bucharest. He noted that...

COP16 - the need to make "peace with nature"

COP16 - the need to make "peace with nature"

O.D.English Section / 30 octombrie

At a time when our planet is undergoing irreversible transformations, experts warn that it is vital that humanity takes concrete measures to protect biodiversity. Reports from the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services...

Photo source: Facebook/ CFR Marfă

CFR Marfă, liquidated up to Mărţişor

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 octombrie

The national company CFR Marfă would be liquidated and stop its activity immediately after the operationalization and capitalization of the new company, Carpatica Feroviar, established by the Ciolacu government, operationalization that would take...

Schimbările climatice, probleme în lanţ

Schimbările climatice, probleme în lanţ

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 23 octombrie

Schimbările climatice joacă un rol semnificativ în creşterea frecvenţei şi intensităţii incendiilor de pădure, fapt care contribuie la un număr tot mai mare de decese legate de poluarea cu particule fine generate de aceste incendii, potrivit unui...

The boomerang speech

The boomerang speech

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 23 octombrie

Dan Nicolaie

Gheorghe Hagi was an exceptional footballer, a good coach and (unfortunately for him) a catastrophic orator. It has often been said that people should not be so offended by the way he speaks and should pay more attention to what the...

Climate change, chain problems

Climate change, chain problems

O.D.English Section / 23 octombrie

Climate change plays a significant role in increasing the frequency and intensity of forest fires, which contributes to a growing number of deaths related to fine particle pollution generated by these fires, according to a recent study published...

According to the Minister of Education: "A solution to reduce overcrowding in some schools: school consortia. We have published the Methodology on the organization and operation of school consortia and I encourage principals to initiate such partnerships!" (Photo source: Facebook/ Ligia Deca)

Solution for education: school consortia

O.D.English Section / 22 octombrie

The multiple problems of education require quick solutions to avoid a collapse of the system. School consortia can be the solution for reducing overcrowding in some educational units, considering that spaces, including classrooms, could be...

WWF specialists warn that we are on the verge of the sixth mass extinction of biodiversity, an extinction that, this time, is caused by human activities. In this context, the decisions taken at global level in the next five years are crucial for the future of the planet. Already, global deforestation has intensified in 2023, despite pledges to halt forest degradation by the end of the decade.

Report: Catastrophic decline in global biodiversity

O.D.English Section / 14 octombrie

Wildlife populations across the planet have suffered a shocking 73% decline in just 50 years, according to WWF's latest Living Planet Report. This dramatic loss signals the highest level of nature degradation in the Anthropocene era, fueling...

FIFA transfer rules in conflict with EU law

FIFA transfer rules in conflict with EU law

O.D.English Section / 7 octombrie

The powerful International Football Federation also has opponents who create problems for it. FIFA's rules on the transfer of professional players contravene the principles of free movement established by European Union (EU) law, the Court of...

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca: "We have expanded the network of nurseries and kindergartens through European funds, as well as with the support of the World Bank, and we have gradually reduced the age of entry into compulsory education: the small group of kindergartens will become compulsory from 2030". (Photo source: facebook / Ligia Deca)

Ligia Deca praises early education

O.D.English Section / 26 septembrie

The first steps on the path of learning are very important. Early education is the cornerstone of children's development, therefore any investment in this sector is, in fact, an investment in the future, stated the Minister of Education,...

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15 Noi. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9765
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7057
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.3012
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9660
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur388.7340

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