Source: South Park capture; processing Marius Alexe

OPINIONCAEN code 0000 - Fraud Industry

Marius Alexe English Section / 10 octombrie

On the Botswana Stock Exchange, the AeBO section, numerous companies have listed, all presented as resounding financial successes. But in some listings, entrepreneurs, brokers and PR people reaped the financial success and investors reaped the...

Tax amnesty for bad payers, deficit of almost 7%

Tax amnesty for bad payers, deficit of almost 7%

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 octombrie

The first month of autumn brought a series of economic and financial challenges for our country, especially in the context of a growing budget deficit, high inflation and volatility of energy prices. However, the Ciolacu government continued to...

Tech giants accused of "mass surveillance'

Tech giants accused of "mass surveillance'

O.D.English Section / 23 septembrie

A new report by the US Competition Authority (FTC) brings to light an alarming reality: giants in the field of social platforms and the Internet practice mass surveillance to capitalize on users' personal data. The study, carried out over...

Developments on the diesel market are important because this fuel is a traditional pillar of the world energy market, being used in transport, mining, construction and agriculture.

Diesel demand falls in China

V.R.English Section / 6 septembrie

The diesel markets in China and India, responsible for most of the Asian demand profile, are showing signs of slowing down, which could create new problems for crude oil prices, reports Bloomberg.

Cybercriminals cause trillions of dollars in damage

Cybercriminals cause trillions of dollars in damage

O.D.English Section / 20 august

Cybercriminals have become a threat to the global economy. Cybercrime could cost companies 10.5 trillion dollars in 2025, an amount that includes the profits made by hackers through various means, according to an article published recently on the...

Earthquake in the world's stock markets

Earthquake in the world's stock markets

Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 6 august

Global stock markets were gripped by panic in the first trading session this week as the latest economic data from the United States reignited investor fears of a possible US recession, results from several big names in technology the growth...

ING Groep aims for growing revenues

ING Groep aims for growing revenues

V.R.English Section / 18 iunie

ING Groep is targeting total revenue growth of between 4% and 5% per year by 2027, on the back of an expected advance in earnings from net interest and fee income, while reduced loan losses should offset costs higher, the largest banking group in...

UN: People, the main "danger" for the planet

UN: People, the main "danger" for the planet

O.D.English Section / 7 iunie

Greed, bad decisions, wrong experiments have caused immense damage to nature. Humans, guilty of climate warming, represent the same "danger" for our planet as "the meteorite that exterminated the dinosaurs", declared the UN...

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18 Oct. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9724
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5865
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2949
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9815
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur399.9201

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The study 'The Roman Empire subjugates the Kingdom of God'
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