"The Romanian people drink champagne through their representatives"
Radu SovianiEnglish Section / 5 ianuarie 2024
Radu Soviani: You say that the grand privatization program should actually be called the grand nationalization program. Why is that?
Radu SovianiEnglish Section / 5 ianuarie 2024
Radu Soviani: You say that the grand privatization program should actually be called the grand nationalization program. Why is that?
MAKEZiarul BURSA #English Section / 28 mai 2019
The day after losing the elections, Dragnea has gone to jail.
MAKE (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 30 ianuarie 2018
The female prime-minister seems like a victory against sexism. The emancipation of our women seems to find its expression in the appointment of Viorica Vasilica Dăncilă as head of the Executive.
VICTOR RONCEA (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 decembrie 2014
ALEXANDRA CRĂCIUN (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 17 ianuarie 2014
Reporter: As a businessman, do you feel that the USL has taken steps to help the business sector, during its government term?
VLAD F. DUMEA (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 iulie 2012
MAKE (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 februarie 2010
Dan Nicolaie
George Marinescu
Marius Mataragis
Cornel Codiţă
Euro | 4.9767 |
Dolar SUA | 4.7940 |
Franc elveţian | 5.2859 |
Liră sterlină | 5.9683 |
Gram de aur | 441.7015 |
convertor valutar
»=Piaţa de Capital /A.I. - 7 februarie
Piaţa de Capital /A.I. - 6 februarie
Piaţa de Capital /A.V. - 6 februarie
Piaţa de Capital /A.V. - 5 februarie
Piaţa de Capital /Andrei Iacomi - 5 februarie