The General Meeting of shareholders in SC Ceramica SA Iasi has recently decided to replace chairman and, at the same time, CEO of the company Corneliu Lucaci with Aurel Tarciniu, a former employee.
The board members were also replaced and the Extraordinary Meeting of shareholders decided to decrease the company"s share capital from 8.162.834, 5 RON to 8.160.712 RON, divided into 16.321.424 dematerialized nominative shares with a face value of 0,5 RON/share, while the paid-in capital increased from 7.319.660,356 RON to 8.048.284,5 RON.
The decision to replace the board members is interesting, if one takes into account the company"s good financial results, as well as the significant investments made in the past few years by Ceramica SA. Thus, according to a preliminary report, the company posted 40.658.411 RON in turnover in 2006 and a gross profit of 8.182.726 RON.