CET Arad Union Threatens To Strike

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 februarie 2007

The CET Arad trade union on Wednesday announced firm intent to go on strike unless the City Hall agrees to their demands. According to union leader Traian Deliman, the City Hall has so far shown no intent to negotiate with them, despite last week"s street protest.

"We are going to make a protest calendar and, if the City hall does not offer clear solutions to our demands, we will go on strike. We have asked for a 35% raise, in several tranches across 2007. Basically, we want our salaries updated to those in the national power grid," he said.

Some 200 CET Arad employees last week picketed the City Hall following the municipality"s failure to offer any answer to their demands. CET Arad currently has 940 employees with a gross average salary of 1,300 RON. The last raise was given last year - 11%.

