CET Iasi To Hold Tender To Buy 200,000 Tonnes Of Coal

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 17 aprilie 2009

Doru Mocanu, Iasi

The thermo-electric power plant (CET) Iasi has announced plans to organize an open tender followed by a round of pricing negotiations to procure 200,000 tonnes of energy-bearing pit coal for the 2009-2010 cold season. Bids can be submitted until 30 April. The tendering process will be organized in two steps. In the first step, CET will send invitations to tender, appoint an evaluation committee and receive financial bids until 30 April. After a preliminary analysis of the bids submitted by the qualified companies, CET will release the results on 8 May. The next step, negotiations, will last between 8 May and 14 May. If no contestation is filed in seven days, CET will sign contracts with the companies that submitted the best financial offers.

The company will also make changes to the procurement methodology for pit coal. Each company will be able to bid for at least 20,000 tonnes, on condition that their turnover exceeds 1.5 million USD. Companies will be able to bid for up to five batches of 20,000 tonnes, but they need to have a minimum turnover of 7.5 million USD. CET is hoping to obtain better prices for coal than last year, as crude oil and natural gas have embarked on a downward trend on the commodities market.

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