CHAIRMAN OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES, ROBERTA ANASTASE: "Freezing the wages of the members of Parliament would be a natural thing to do"

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 februarie 2009

The Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Roberta Anastase, said, on Friday, that a possible wage freeze for members of the Parliament would be natural, given the fact that a similar measure was taken for all other public servants.

"As long as we are cutting salaries for all public sector employees, it is only natural that the members of the Parliament submit to the same policy", Roberta Anastase said. According to Agerpres, the Chairman of the lower chamber of the Parliament said the freezing of wages in the public system should begin with the Parliament and said that this decision will not generate negative reactions from the members of the Parliament. "I would not worry about a negative reaction from the members of the Parliament, but I do believe we will see a normal reaction of acceptance of the decision", Roberta Anastase added.

On a different matter, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, issued a call to deputies to vote in favor of the request made by Adrian Năstase that the cases he is involved in be allowed to go to court. "Adrian Năstase"s statement makes me happy, especially as I have a great hope that it will be taken seriously by absolutely all members of the Parliament and that they will vote in favor of Mr. Năstase"s request that these cases follow their natural course in court without being held back by the Parliament, which has no attributions to award a solution on the main issue in such cases", said Mrs. Anastase.

We hereby clarify that PSD deputy Adrian Năstase is requesting that the Parliament allow his cases to go on trial, claiming that they are just a form of political harassment and that he is not guilty.

Members of the Parliament begin debates on the budget

Senators and deputies will be debating, this week, the draft of the Law of the State Budget and the draft of the Law of the Social Security Budget, after both drafts reached the Chamber of Deputies on Friday. The two projects will be submitted by the Permanent Offices of the Chambers of the Parliament, to the Commissions dealing with budget and finance issues, for discussion and approval. The two joint projects will be put up for debate in a joint sitting by the two Chambers, and once passed, the two laws will be signed by the chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, and sent to president Traian Băsescu in order to be enacted, within at most 10 days after the vote.

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