China To Invest 1 Bln EUR In Romanian Industrial Park

English Section / 26 septembrie 2008

The Chinese authorities have expressed intent to invest over 1 billion EUR in building an industrial park in Romania for over 200 companies on a 100 hectare plot, according to Nicolae Vasile, vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Bucharest, who returned from the China International Fair for Investment and Trade. The fair is organized annually in Xiamen, Fujian, and has come to the 12th edition. This particular edition was the second largest event of the year in China, after the Beijing Olympics. "We would make a great mistake to think that trading with China is limited to petty things. It would also be a huge mistake to neglect the fact that China is a great economic, technological and scientific force," said Vasile, who is also vice-president of the Romanian - Chinese Business Center.

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