Circumsection Voting

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 iunie 2004

A lot of McDonald hamburgers flooded the members of the Electoral Bureau in the 5th Sector of Bucharest, during the elections. "Food from Mister Vanghelie...", informed the delivery boys.

By that time, Marian Vanghelie was already in the pole position, while in other sectors the PSD-ists were butchered by voters. By 16 hours, not even one of the PSD candidates seemed able to win the elections in the first shot - a punishment applied by citizens not to the Mayors themselves, but to thew political power behind them. From this point of view, Marian Vanghelie is "the principle itself", voted by citizens just to piss the PSD and to show they back him in his lack of compliance to his own Party.

By the same hour, it was obvious that Traian Basescu will easily win the General Mayoralty, a true humiliation for his competitor, Mircea Geoana.

But, in the country, the situation was not clear. Both political parties and analysts were merely expecting the results for the large cities - Cluj, Timisoara, Oradea etc. - in order to see if there is any hope (or danger, depending on the perspective) to coagulate a significant opposition to the PSD for the presidential and Parliamentary elections.

The electoral campaign kept on quietly during the elections, in spite of the law and the Central Electoral Bureau (who went as far as forbidding newspapers to publish comments on the matter on Saturday and Sunday). Electoral posters of all political colors were everywhere - a difficult situation for Mayors who claim to be correct, but never ask their outdoor advertising companies to pay respect to the law. This is one more reason why the population is bored by the disappointing political class.
