Cisco Systems Recruits 200 College Students

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 februarie 2007

Cisco Systems has 200 job openings for graduates or senior year students from A.I. Cuza University in Iasi. London office company representatives announced their intention to recruit 200 graduates or senior year students in Computer Science, Economics and Business Administration. In this regard, a presentation session will be organized and candidates must submit their job applications by March 28th. Job requirements include advanced knowledge of English, as well as computer network skills. All 200 accepted candidates will be offered jobs immedialtely.

According to Dumitru Oprea, rector of A.I. Cuza University, the selected candidates will undergo a training program along with young people from 40 other countries. They will work for 12 months at the Cisco Sales Academy in Amsterdam and then return to Romania to continue their careers.

American company Cisco Systems was founded in 1984 and became the world leader in the field of networking equipment and network management solutions for the Internet, with 35.000 employees worldwide.
