Cities In Arad County Unveil Major Investment Projects

Tradus de Andrei NĂstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 15 ianuarie 2009

Expanding water and sewerage networks, rehabilitating roads, building kindergartens and schools are just some of the investment projects unveiled by mayors of Arad County cities, who claim that they are not affected by the financial crisis, but are in great need of governmental funds in order to actually start implementation.

Chisineu-Cris Mayor Gheorghe Burdan told Bursa that the construction in this city of the first apartment building of the National Housing Agency (ANL) was a cornerstone of the entire investment plan. "We are hoping to start the construction of an ANL building of 20 apartments. The tender to select the contractor will be organized by the central authorities. We will also build another gymnasium," Burdan said. Further plans include the expansion of the sewerage network in Avram Iancu Square via a PHARE project.

Sebis Mayor Gheorghe Feies told Bursa that the city was about to complete the construction of the airport, which the locals have been looking forward to very anxiously. "We want to finalize the works on Sebis Airport. We have established and registered the company that will manage it. The investment will stand at some 1 million lei. The airport itself will measure about 24 hectares," he said. Sebis City Hall will also complete the construction of a cultural centre comprising a library and a movie theatre and a sports centre with an attached hotel and restaurant.

"We will build a new kindergarten for 120 children and a new school. The kindergarten will cost 900,000 lei, while the school would be 1 million lei", says Ineu Mayor Nicolae Mehelean. The water distribution network will be rehabilitated for 1 million EUR.

Nadlac will have a new sports centre and a rehabilitated cultural centre. Mayor Vasile Ciceac said: "We will continue the works on the school campus, which cost some 9 million lei, through a governmental programme. We will also make a project for a small medical clinic. We are currently looking for the proper space for it." All the mayors emphasized that their hopes were tied to the disbursement of governmental funds for such projects.

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