Former Prime Minister Theodor Stolojan makes some clarifications regarding the interview given to Radu Şoviani about mass privatization, published in the 02/11/2023 edition of the BURSA newspaper: "In that interview, I stated that I sold the shares I had in SIF Banat Crişana at the moment when Mr. Cuzman was replaced from the management "with some people from Romenergo, Bâlteanu as it were, and I understood what they wanted to do, at that moment I left [selling the shares], because I said: it will happen something nasty there. And what did they want to do? They wanted to remove the assets from the SIF, to establish a separate company to manage these assets and for the management to be entrusted to an asset management company". Mr. Bîlteanu informed me that the statements made regarding his person and the management of SIF Banat Crişana at that time do not correspond to reality. In this way, I retract the respective statements from the interview granted to Mr. Radu Soviani".
Clarifications made by Theodor Stolojan
English Section / 28 noiembrie 2023