Cleaning in buildings is not a major issue throughout Europe.

English Section / 19 septembrie 2023

Cleaning in buildings is not a major issue throughout Europe.

Versiunea în limba română

The maintenance of cleanliness through paid personnel is approached differently in Europe. Nearly three million people in the European Union were employed in the field of general building cleaning services in the year 2020, through over 220,000 companies, according to data published by Eurostat. In the case of Romania, 23,325 individuals were working in the field of general building cleaning services in 2020, through 2,630 companies. In the European Union, those working in the field of general building cleaning services represent 2.3% of the total number of people working in the non-financial sector of the EU. Among the member states, the highest proportions of people employed in the field of general building cleaning services were in Belgium (3.9%), Spain (3.8%), France (3.4%), and Luxembourg (3.1%) in 2020. On the other hand, Bulgaria (0.2%), Romania, Slovakia, and Poland (all with 0.6%) had the lowest proportions of people employed in general building cleaning services as a percentage of the total workforce. After the pandemic, when remote work expanded, many office buildings closed, leading to a reduction in jobs in this sector.
