CNAB employees were left without a collective labor contract

English Section / 29 mai 2024

Photo source: facebook / Bucharest Airports

Photo source: facebook / Bucharest Airports

Versiunea în limba română

The employees of the Bucharest National Airport Company (CNAB) were left without a collective labor agreement (CCM) and, although the new CCM was negotiated with the general director of CNAB, the lack of a complete Board of Directors (CA) makes it impossible to sign the document, according to the company's union, quoted by Agerpres.

The trade unionists, who say that only two of the seven members of the CA have a mandate, mention: "In full inflation of successful airports, namely Brasov airport, Brăila - Galati airport, Alexeni private airport and, not last resort, the saving solution, the new Bucharest Sud airport, CNAB does not have a Board of Directors to ensure the administration and management of Otopeni and Băneasa airports. The succession of temporary managements, combined with their lack of professionalism, skills and involvement, brought the company to its current situation. All this, with a strong impact on the strategy, projects and performances of the two airports".

The trade unionists point out that, starting yesterday, CNAB registered "another absolute first, this time with a major impact on employees": the lack of CCM.

"Employees are no longer protected by the provisions of a CCM that would ensure their job security and respect for acquired rights. The trade unions within the CNAB have initiated the legal measures they have at their disposal, in order to resolve this situation as quickly as possible", says the SCAB president, Ştefan Mladin, stating that the first step was to notify the Territorial Labor Inspectorate that the CNAB no longer has a collective labor contract. If the situation is not resolved after ITM's intervention, a warning strike will be reached.

On May 20, 2024, the Ordinary General Meeting of CNAB Shareholders was convened and, although the agenda included, among other things, taking note of the termination of mandates/revocation of provisional administrators in the Board of Directors; appointment of provisional administrators in the Board of Directors in accordance with the legal provisions in force; extension of the term of office of provisional administrators, the AGM refused to appoint new members.

Practically, the AGM only took note of the termination of the mandate of provisional administrator of Iacobus-Doru Marius on May 25 and rejected the following two items on the agenda, namely the appointment of provisional administrators in the Board of Directors in accordance with the legal provisions in validity and extension of the term of office of provisional administrators.

The shareholders also unanimously approved the proposal to distribute the profit on 31.12.2023, in the amount of 401.85 million lei as follows: 321.48 million lei to the Romanian state (80%), through its representative, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which received the amount of 295.76 million lei (net dividend), after being taxed at source with 8%, 80.37 million lei went to Fondul Proprietatea (20%), 33.16 million lei (7.43%) source of own financing, and 11.491 million lei (2.57%) - the participation of employees in the profit of 2023.

CNAB's shareholders are: the Romanian state, through MTI, with 80% of the share capital, and Fondul Proprietatea, with 20%.

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