"Comat" Galati To Increase Share Capital

Diana Dorobantu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 16 ianuarie 2007

Galati-based company "Comat" intends to increase its share capital by 2 Mln RON, from 762.032 to 2.7 Mln RON. The board of directors" proposal will be discussed in the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders sheduled for February 23rd. Shareholders registered in the Consolidated Registry by February 7th may take part in the meeting.

The increase in share capital will be achieved by the issuing of 800.000 new shares with a face value of 2.5 RON/share. \"Comat\" sharehoders can subscribe to shares only through capital injection and their preemptive rights are equal to their stake in the company.

"Comat" sells intermediary products, is principal shareholder being Catalin Constantin Chelu, who holds 32.78% of the shares. He increased his holding this month by aquiring a 23.57% block of shares from Ionel Mitu.

The company"s shares are listed on the basic category of Rasdaq under the symbol COTM as of December 17th 1996. During the past 12 months the quotation oscillated between the minimum of 2 RON/share and the maximum of 3 RON/share. The transaction with COTM shares was closed on January 12th at 2.75 RON/share.

