Comet to Sell Building in Bucharest for 14 Mln EUR

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 20 iunie 2007

Shareholders in Comet SA Bucharest approved in April the sale of a building in Bucharest for at least 14 million EUR, according to a company press release. The building is located in District 6 of Bucharest and may be sold to any natural or legal person.

Shareholders also decided to contract a 10 million EUR loan for investments. Comet SA will guarantee the loan by one of its fixed assets, namely a building situated in Bucharest.

The delisting process of Comet has already begun, according to the Official Gazette. The company has a share capital of 3.12 million RON, divided into 1,248,710 shares with a face value of 2.5 RON. The majority shareholder is Comet PAS Association with 91% in the company.
