Compa Sibiu Increases Share Capital

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 iulie 2007

Compa SA Sibiu will increase its share capital by 7.015 million RON (2.24 million EUR), from 14.86 million RON to 21.88 million RON. The company will issue 70.153 million new shares, which were subscribed in the period May 25th - June 29th. Shareholders subscribed for 94.37% of the offered shares, according to a report to the Bucharest Stock Exchange quoted by NewsIn.

In the General Meeting held on April 27th, shareholders approved an increase in share capital by 7,433,360 RON. The company issued shares with a subscription price of 10 RON/share.

The company ended last year with net profit of 8.4 million RON, while turnover amounted to 241.8 million RON. Compa Sibiu manufactures car parts and is listed on BSE as CMP.

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