Competition watchdog opens an investigation to help it gain better knowledge of the energy market

A.T. (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 21 ianuarie 2010

The Competition Council yesterday announced that it launched an investigation to help it gain better insight on the electricity market. Bogdan Chiriţoiu, the chairman of the Competition Council, said: "The main goals of our approach is to review the manner in which competition works in this sector, the identification and correction of any factors that could hinder competition, as well as stimulating transparency on this market by informing the public opinion on the conclusions of this report".

According to a press release, as an autonomous administrative authority, the Competition Council not only has a corrective role, but also helps prevent issues, by monitoring markets, their main players and their methods, with the end goal of protecting consumer interest. The Council of Competition proposes that all the market players openly discuss their competition related issues.
