Conarg Real Estate Lowers Prices For New Apartments In Bucharest

A.T. (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 24 iulie 2009

Pitesti-based real estate developer Conarg Real Estate yesterday announced significant price reductions for apartments in the newly built development "Rasarit de Soare" (Sunrise) in Bucharest, according to a press release from CB Richard Ellis Eurisko. Prices now start from 39,000 EUR plus 5% VAT for a one-room apartment. "We wanted to complement the State-driven First Home Programme and present prospective customers with an outstanding opportunity," said Romeo Cazanescu, CEO of Conarg Real Estate.

The new owners will be able to move in as of September 2009, although the apartments were initially scheduled for delivery in June 2010. According to Cazanescu, the price reduction attracted over 40 new customers in the last week.

Located in Titan District in the east of Bucharest, the development neighbours Iris Mall and the Auchan Hypermarket. When finished, it will comprise 988 apartments of one, two, three and four rooms measuring a total of 84,465 square meters. The investment exceeds 60 million EUR.

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