Consumers will pay one third less for green energy certificates

ALINA TOMA VEREHA (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 iulie 2013

The regulator of the energy market (ANRE) announced on Friday that the effect of the postponement of a significant volume of the green certificates is the reduction by one third of the costs borne by consumer on that specific segment, which is billed separately on their invoices.

For the second semester of this year, the ANRE has reduced the mandatory quota of the green certificates for the end consumers. The weight of green certificates will be reduced from 0.051 lei/KWh to 0.34 lei/h. Starting with July 1st, 2013, the mandatory quota will fall to 0.191 green certificates/MWh, from 0.2117 certificates/MWh (the quantity valid in the first half of the year).

Six million green certificates issued in the first half of the year

The total number of green certificates issued for energy generated using renewable sources (E-SRE) produced in the first semester 6,000,205, according to an announcement by the OPCOM (the manager of the Romanian energy exchange).

The number of certificates traded on the Centralize Market for Green Certificates, of those issued for the E-SRE produced between January and June 2013, was 758,140, of which 706,793 were traded by the producers directly.

The number of green certificates which remain valid for trading, of the ones issued for the energy produced in 2012, and the first semester of 2013 was 3,229,457 on July 19th, 2013, of which 3,218,475 pertain to the energy produced in the first six months.

The number of certificates allocated to the Market for Bilateral Contracts for Green Certificates sent to the OPCOM by July 19th, 2013, is 2,049,220 (allocated for the renewable production of the first semester of the year).
