Contor Group To Become Listed On BSE

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 ianuarie 2008

Contor Group - Arad will list up to 20% of their shares on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) through an initial public offering in January in order to raise the funds necessary to finance overseas expansion. Manager Tudor Caracioni, the listing will mark the company"s 15th anniversary. "Our 15th anniversary is an excellent opportunity to reminisce the past and look towards the future," he said.

One of the company"s best times was between 2005 and 2007, when major investments were made in developing new products and tapping foreign markets, including Russia, Ukraine, Poland and India. Approximately 5 million EUR was invested in that interval.

The company was established in January 1993 as Contor Zenner SRL and has grown to hundreds of employees and multiple operational sites. The company was renamed Contor Group in 2006.

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