CSAT decided to amend the legislation in the field of national defense

English Section / 22 februarie 2024

CSAT decided to amend the legislation in the field of national defense

Versiunea în limba română

Among the projects of normative acts that will be incident in this field is the one regarding the introduction of voluntary military service for people between the ages of 18 and 35

The Supreme Council of Defense of the Country approved, yesterday, the strengthening of national defense through measures to strengthen the Romanian Armed Forces, including by ensuring the appropriate legal framework that meets Romania's defense requirements in the current context, according to the press release issued by the Administration Presidential after the CSAT meeting led by President Klaus Iohannis.

Practically, by the decision of the members of the CSAT, the Ministry of National Defense can initiate in Parliament the necessary steps to amend the legislation in the field of national defense and even to introduce the draft law on the voluntary performance of military service, a project about which MApN officials, led by Minister Angel Tîlvăr, have provided more information lately.

The first official who spoke about this legislative project was General Gheorghiţă Vlad, the Chief of the Defense Staff, who stated in an interview for Free Europe that MApN wants to introduce a voluntary military service for young people between the ages of 18 and 35 , who want to wear the military uniform. The Chief of the Defense Staff mentioned that the necessary tools must be found to have a prepared population: "It is a T0 moment when all European nations must think about the preparation of the population and I do not want to give an alarmist message, but it is a reality in that we live".

In fact, according to sources cited by the media, the General Staff of Defense initiated a project to amend and supplement Law no. 446/2006 on the preparation of the population for defense, in which it is proposed to introduce a new form of active military service, as a voluntary military service within the term, for which Romanian citizens, men and women, with permanent residence in Romania are eligible, with between the ages of 18 and 35, who want to have military training, a project that would be on the inter-ministerial approval circuit.

This form of training will not replace military service as a voluntary reservist, but will complement it as a distinct form. The project envisages participation, on a voluntary basis, in a basic military training program, lasting up to 4 (consecutive) months, as a military volunteer within the term. Within the program, young people will be able to learn how to handle different types of weapons, participate in field orientation courses, decontamination courses, first aid courses and others. According to the legislative proposal, during the course of the basic military training program, volunteer military personnel will benefit from free accommodation, equipment and food rights, medical assistance and medicine, as well as a monthly allowance, similar to military personnel with the rank of soldier , and will be subject to the provisions of military laws and regulations". A soldier's salary, depending on the specification of the weapon he trains on, can vary between 2,800 and 3,200 lei per month. In addition, at the end of the 4-month training program, each participant will receive a bonus consisting of a financial incentive in the amount of three average gross salaries, and the military centers will record them and enter them into the operational reserve of the Romanian Army.

Participants in these 4-month voluntary military programs will finally be able to opt to enter a MApN selection for employment as a professional soldier with a work contract in the Romanian Army.

People who are employed and want to perform this voluntary military service - the 4-month program - will be able to do so without losing their jobs, and employers would be forced to temporarily suspend their employment contracts.

With regard to the amendment of the legislation, the decision of the CSAT would solve another problem reported by General Vlad Gheorghiţă, the Chief of the General Staff, who said that the military cannot shoot down attack drones that enter Romania's airspace because there is no legislation to allow them to do so, and a change would actually mean changing four laws.

Endowment of the Army - priority in the current context

In the CSAT meeting, the Report on the progress made in the field of defense planning was analyzed and approved, especially with regard to the development of the endowment programs and the measures to increase the staffing level, as well as the retention of the personnel who contribute to the implementation of the capabilities targets assumed in within the NATO defense planning process and the reduction of deficits identified by NATO authorities. CSAT members evaluated the stage in which the purchase of the American Abrams tanks is located, but also the purchase of the drones ordered by the MApN, as well as the equipping of the Romanian Air Force with F35 aircraft starting from 2030, and President Klaus Iohannis showed interest in the reserve of the Army and requested the solution salary requirements of the military and payment of arrears to them.

The press release issued by the Presidential Administration states: "At the level of the Alliance, there is a new approach to defense planning and, in this sense, the Report approved in today's meeting presents how the Allies can cooperate to identify capabilities for the next planning cycle . The objective is to align defense planning with operational planning, integrating national priorities, including those not included in the current capability package. Romania's plans for the development of capabilities are properly reflected in the Defense Planning Directive 2023 and in the Romanian Army Program 2040. Both documents are supported by a national political commitment that allows Romania to meet the requirements of allocating 2.5% of GDP to Defense, from which 20% for endowment".

CSAT members also evaluated the activity carried out in the field of cyber security at the level of the competent institutions of the Cyber Security Operative Council in 2023, as well as the main objectives for 2024. In the context of the multiplication of cyber threats, against the background of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, but also of the exponential development of emerging technologies, the multidimensional measures adopted during the year 2023 by the institutions with powers to strengthen Romania's cyber resilience were analyzed. Also, a series of priority actions were approved for the Cyber Security Operative Council to take into account in 2024, aimed at contributing to the development of the national cyber security system and the strengthening of prevention and deterrence capabilities, including through a proactive approach, appropriate to the international cooperation framework in the field.

Regarding the NATO Summit that will take place in July in Washington, CSAT members determined that our country will continue to work with allies to ensure a robust and effective NATO deterrence and defense posture, to increase the allied presence in our country, as well as for supporting vulnerable partners in the region, especially the Republic of Moldova.

