CSSPP Approves Calculation Method For Pension Fund Net Assets

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 iulie 2007

The Council of the Private Pension System Supervisory Commission (CSSPP) has approved the calculation method for the net assets of the pension funds and for the value of the units. Both methods refer to the mandatory private pensions (Pillar II). The norms define evaluation rules for the assets of the privately managed pension funds, the calculation method for the value of the net assets and the calculation method for the value of the fund units.

CSSPP explained that the assets of a mandatory private pension fund (Pillar II) contained liquidities and the financial instruments in which the personal assets of the fund members had been investments. The overall net assets of a Pillar II fund are equal to the value of the assets minus liabilities.

The administrator and the depository have the obligation to provide CSSPP with daily updates on the value of the overall assets, the value of the net assets, the value of the net units and the number of units. The normative act has been sent to the Official Gazette for publication and will also be available on CSSPP"s website.

