Culture Day: Monuments of ancient culture at MNIR

English Section / 12 ianuarie

Culture Day: Monuments of ancient culture at MNIR

Versiunea în limba română

The first writings of the native culture are accessible to the public in the following days. The National History Museum of Romania opens, on January 15, the National Culture Day, the thematic exhibition "Monuments of ancient culture and the Romanian literary language from the MNIR heritage. Epigraphy, paleography, calligraphy, typographic art and literary creation". According to MNIR, the exhibition presents a series of extremely valuable exhibits from a cultural and literary perspective, proposing a suggestive and balanced theme, about the beginnings and the affirmation of Romanian culture, starting with the ceramic vessel with the Greek editorial inscription "Petre", discovered in Capidava, the oldest epigraphic attestation of the Romanian language, dating from the end of the 10th century, being also the oldest exhibit. In the exhibition, the museum's oldest cult manuscript, representative of the ancient culture, namely the Slavonic Tetraevangel calligraphed and illuminated at the Prislop monastery, in Ţara Haţegului, by the pious Nicodim from Tismana, in the years 1404 - 1405, will also be able to be seen. next to which there is another Slavonic Tetraevangel, the third book printed in the printing center in Târgovişte, the first of its kind in Wallachia, by the hieromonk Macarie, under the patronage of ruler Neagoe Basarab, to whom the afterword is dedicated, where it is mentioned among others year of printing: 1512. The Romanian century of printing or the Age of Enlightenment (disregarding the Brasov era of Romanian printing initiated by deacon Coresi, the museum does not have representative pieces for this period in its collection) continues in the exhibition with the first books printed in Romanian in Wallachia and Moldova. Among them are Pravila cea Mică de la Govora (1640) - the first book printed in Romanian in the Wallachia, Cazania lui Varlaam (1643) - the first book printed in Romanian in Moldova, in Iasi, a monument of the literary language, which had the widest circulation in the entire medieval Romanian space, Psaltirea pre versuri tocmita, Uniev (Poland), 1673 - the first monument of the Romanian poetic language, containing numerous passages of rhythmic prose, respectively different texts and interpretations of the Psalms of David, from the Old Testament. Metropolitan Dosoftei, the author and publisher of the book, was one of the greatest Romanian scholars, the initiator of cultural activities of utmost importance, being the first national lyric poet, the first versifier of the Psalter in the entire Orthodox East, the first translator of the liturgical books in Romanian . The exhibition can be visited until February 4, the organizers say.
