Cyber security: Romanian students, in the top 10 in Europe

English Section / 15 octombrie 2024

Cyber security: Romanian students, in the top 10 in Europe

Versiunea în limba română

The talent of young people in our country is also fully manifested in terms of cyber challenges. Romania ranked 8th at this year's edition of the European Cyber Security Championship, held in Turin, Italy, with 37 teams entering the competition. According to the Ministry of Education: "This year's edition of the European Cyber Security Challenge - ECSC 2024 (European Cyber Security Championship 2024), held in Italy, in Turin, brought Romania an 8th place out of 37 teams participating in the competition, made up of the most talented young people in the field of cyber security in Europe''. The students who represented Romania in the ECSC are: Alexandru-Darius Ghica - "Mihai Viteazul" National College from Bucharest; Vlad-Ionuţ Seba - "Tudor Vianu" National College from Bucharest; Denis-Cristian Văşcuţă - "Mihai Viteazul" National College from Bucharest; Vlad-Ştefan Mateciuc - "Callatis" Theoretical High School from Mangalia; Robert-Alexandru Antal - "Laude Reut" Educational Complex from Bucharest. The students were guided by George-Marius Şinca - university lecturer. dr. at "Emanuel" University in Oradea, main coordinator, and by Ancuţa-Dumitriţa Doce - senior cyber security manager, National Directorate of Cyber Security in Bucharest, deputy coordinator. To represent Romania at the European championship, candidates passionate about cyber must initially participate in the National Cyber Security Championship - RoCSC or, starting this year, in the Cyber Security Olympics, competitions organized by the Romanian Intelligence Service (through the National Cyberint Center ), the National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC), the National Association for the Security of Computer Systems (ANSSI) and the Ministry of Education, together with private partners. Young people interested in developing professional technical skills can prepare for the National Cyber Security Championship or the Cyber Security Olympiad on the online educational platform CyberEdu, a digital training space where most of the exercises proposed in the previous editions of ROCSC and ECSC can be found, such as and other exercises built for international cyber security competitions, says the Ministry of Education.

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