Despite The Crisis, Romanian Seaside Tourist Traffic Remains Unchanged

Alina Toma Vereha (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 7 septembrie 2009

The Romanian seaside has attracted roughly as many tourists this year as last year, according to Traian Badulescu, Spokesman for the National Association of Travel Agencies (ANAT). "The results are very good this year, considering the general economic difficulties. We estimate that the seaside will have as many tourists this year as last year. Some 60% of the hotels will remain open until the end of September, due to the "Seaside for Everybody" Programme, as well as to the special weekend offers," Badulescu told BURSA.

He further added that the good results, well above the expectations of the hotels and the travel agencies, were a consequence of the special offers and price discounts available this year. Tourism Minister Elena Udrea also contributed to the promotion of the Romanian seaside as a travel destination, as her visits to the area did not leave tourists indifferent.

According to ANAT, the season had a shy start in June and July, when the number of tourists was smaller than in the corresponding period of 2008. However, price reductions and special offers improved the situation in the second half of July, when the occupancy rate of the seaside hotels match the level reported a year before.

Traian Badulescu told BURSA that alpine tourism had been negatively affected by the crisis. According to ANAT estimates, hotels in the mountain resorts have reported a decline of approximately 20% in the number of tourists received so far this year. ANAT has repeatedly warned that alpine tourism is not sufficiently promoted by the authorities.

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